July 19, 2024 at 6:29 am
- Here, “nama” refers to the “impression of an external rupa” that one likes/dislikes. That is what the mind is focused on at that moment.
- “Namarupa” is the “rupa” created by the mind with that kamma vinnana per that impression. Essentially, that is the kammic energy generated to give rise to such a namarupa in the future.
- The more one does mano, vaci, and kaya (abhi)sankhara (with avijja), the stronger kammic energy becomes.
- That happens because the mind craves (or despises) such a namarupa. This is based on “distorted sanna,” which gives the impression that some things are valuable and can bring happiness: “Fooled by Distorted Saññā (Sañjānāti) – Origin of Attachment (Taṇhā)“