July 14, 2024 at 7:52 pm
1. Kammic energy generated via mano sankhara cannot give rise to rebirth. Such kammic energies can bring vipaka only during this life or the next.
2. Only vaci and kaya sankhara can generate javana citta strong enough to create kammic energies that can lead to rebirth. They also can bring vipaka during life for numerous lives into the future.
This was briefly described in the new post “Taṇhā – Result of Saññā Giving Rise to Mind-Made Vedanā.“
- With any arammana, a mind gets to the “purana kamma” stage and generates only mano sankhara within that stage.
- It is only when a mind attaches to an arammana and gets to the “nava kamma” stage (starting at the “tanha paccaya upadana” step) that the mind starts generating “strong kamma” consciously. In other words, one must think (with vaci sankhara) about how to “get more of it” and act (with kaya sankhara) on those thoughts.
- Both the “purana kamma” and “nava kamma” stages have several steps, as explained in the post “Taṇhā – Result of Saññā Giving Rise to Mind-Made Vedanā” starting at #7. As stated in #10 there: “As shown in the chart, kamma accumulation accelerates with kāmacchanda, kāma pariḷāha, etc., ending with dasa akusala done with kāya, vaci, and mano kamma.”
- I will explain these steps in an upcoming post. But the point is that strong kamma generation takes place after going through kāmacchanda, kāma pariḷāha, etc. (as also indicated in the second figure.)
#1 and #2 above are also explained in Abhidhamma from a different angle.
- When a mind attaches to an arammana, numerous citta vithi run at a high-speed rate. Each citta vithi has seven javana citta.
- As we have discussed, javana cittas start weak, get stronger until #5, and then gradually decrease in #6 and #7. We compared that to a fast runner starting slowly, accelerating, and then slowing down at the end of the run.
- The first two javana cittas (#1, #2) have only mano sankhara. Only in #3 and #4 vaci sankhara arise, and even stronger kaya sankhara arise in the 5th. The last two are weaker mano sankhara.
- All javana cittas become stronger in the subsequent citta vithi. Yet, mano sankharas never get strong enough to bring rebirth.
- I am too busy today to look for the posts that discussed the above points in Abhidhamma. One relevant post is “Āsēvana and Aññamañña Paccayā.”