July 14, 2024 at 8:52 am
According to the chart of 50465, citta vithi can continuously accumulate and make the next citta vithi stronger. Then, can a sufficiently large number of citta vithi strengthened mano sankhara generate enough energy to lead to rebirth? Or, no matter how strengthened, can mano sankhara never become strong enough to lead to rebirth?
At first, I thought it would be possible. But after reading the Abhisaṅkhāra Lead to Kamma Viññāṇa post, I am a bit confused.
Mano Saṅkhāra Cannot be Abhisaṅkhāra Leading to Rebirth
7. The critical point here is that mano saṅkhāra are in vipāka viññāṇa as well as in kamma viññāṇa, i.e., in any type of viññāṇa. In fact, they are also in “pure citta” or “pabhassara citta” of an Arahant in Arahant-phala samādhi.
- Mano saṅkhāra can NEVER become abhisaṅkhāra that can lead to rebirth.
- To generate kammic power (in javana citta), we need to generate defiled thoughts CONSCIOUSLY. Those involve vaci and kāya saṅkhāra. Kamma viññāṇa (in javana citta with kammic energy) arises only in Paṭicca Samuppāda.
- It is not necessary to fully understand the above in #7. It is there for completeness.
I would appreciate it if you would explain.