July 10, 2024 at 8:27 am
1. Q1. Does pabhassara citta start in kama or rupa or arupa dhatu? Or it just does not start in any dhatu?
- Pabhassara citta is not present in any dhatu (kama dhatu, rupa dhatu, or arupa dhatu; those are the “initial state of mind upon receiving a sensory input or arammana.)
- To clarify further, the mind of someone born in kama loka (humans, including Arahants who were born human) will always fall on kama dhatu first. A rupa loka Brahma‘s mind will first fall on rupa dhatu, and an arupa loka Brahma‘s mind will first fall on arupa dhatu.
- Furthermore, if a human is in a rupacavara jhana, his mind will also fall on rupa dhatu upon receiving a new arammana.
This figure from “Vipariṇāma – Two Meanings.”
- As you can see, the “pabhassara citta” does not fall into any of the three “dhatu” or “loka.”
- It is experienced only at the Arahant-phala moment or later in “Arahant-phala samapatti.”
2. step 2: ajjhatta vinnana “sanna ->sankappa”
- This description is correct.
- The bahidda vinnana has “distorted sanna” but no defilements (raga, dosa, moha.)
- We mainly restrict our general discussions to kama dhatu, especially in the following.
- Bahidda vinnana becomes an ajjhatta vinnana in a split second for anyone with the five lower samyojana. Thus, an Arahant or Anagami would not enter the “ajjhatta vinnana” stage.
The above chart is from “Purāna and Nava Kamma – Sequence of Kamma Generation.”
Once get into the “ajjhatta vinnana” stage, a mind can further contaminate rapidly via several stages, as shown in the above chart.
- Those steps are listed in #10 of the above post. They are essentially the same as Dosakkhayo listed in steps 1 through 5.
- That “expansion” is indicated in the chart.
- Up to the “tanha paccaya upadana” step, the expansion is slow, i.e., kamma accumulation is slow. But at the “tanha paccaya upadana” step, one starts accumulating kamma consciously (with vaci and kaya abhisankhara.) That is why it is called the “nava (new) kamma” stage. Kammic energies to bring vipaka in future lives are generated here.
- As shown in the chart, kamma accumulation accelerates with kamacchanda, kama parilaha, etc., ending with dasa akusala.
- See “Taṇhā Paccayā Upādāna – Critical Step in Paṭicca Samuppāda” for details.