July 10, 2024 at 7:12 am
Purana Kamma
This two steps are where cakkhunca paticca rupe ca uppajjati cakkhuvinnanam occurs.
step 1: bahidda vinnana “dhatu -> sanna”
- sensory input: nimitta
- using indriya
- on: bahidda rupa, vedana, sanna, sankhara and vinnana
- altered rupa
- bahidda vedana + distorted sanna → giving sensory input experiences
- It depends on the quality of “natural bhavanga state”
- It is not pabhassara citta!
- anusaya/samyojana works in this step. Kāma Guṇa – Origin of Attachment (Tanhā) #12
- patisamvedi step
- only mano sankhara
Q1. Does pabhassara citta start in kama or rupa or arupa dhatu? Or it just does not start in any dhatu?
- My guess: it probably does not attach to any dhatu.
step 2: ajjhatta vinnana “sanna ->sankappa”
- sensory input: arammana
- using ayatana
- on: ajjhatta rupa, vedana, sanna, sankhara and vinnana
- XX vineyya rupa. ex) cakku vineyya rupa
- samphassa ja vedana (somanassa and domanassa)
- defiled and mind-made sensory input experiences
- bhava starts in here.
- sangati begin working in this step. Kāma Guṇa – Origin of Attachment (Tanhā) #12
- only mano sankhara too.
Nava Kamma
step 3: tanha paccaya upadana “sankappa -> chanda”
- mano abhisankhara
- defiled gati works in this step.
- raga or dosa(patigha) patisamvedi step starts in here
- kamaguna works in this step.
- It depends on one’s gati and how strong a given arammana to occur. Citta, Manō, Viññāna – Nine Stages of a Thought #19
step 4: ?? “chanda -> parilaha”
- mano abhisankhara
- vinnana get more conteminating
- state of agitation
Q2. What should I call this step?
step 5: avijja paccaya sankhara (stronger than step 4) “parilaha -> pariyesana”
- vaci and kaya abhisankhara
- one is fully engaged with making new kamma
Pdf file: “Dosakkhayo – Purana and Nava Kamma.”
Please let me know if there are any mistakes or if any additional information is needed. Thank you.