Reply To: How to get rid of ego (asmi mana)


Asmi mana goes away only at the Arahant stage.
– However, asmi mana will also decrease gradually as you make progress. It is not a sudden drop.”

I wrote that in my first comment above.

Getting there is a step-by-step process.

1. Getting rid of mundane wrong views (ten types of miccha ditthi) is first. Such wrong views include not believing in kamma/kamma vipaka and rebirth. Because one cannot understand Buddha Dhamma without that basis.

2. Next is to get rid of deeper wrong views, especially sakkaya ditthi. Having sakkaya ditthi means believing that sensory pleasures can be rewarding. By doing that, one gets to the Sotapanna stage.

3. Next is to eliminate kama raga at the Anagami stage. When one understands how “distorted sanna” leads to attachment to sensory pleasures, kama raga automatically disappears.

4. Asmi mana (or the sense of “me” and “I”) goes away only at the Arahant stage.

However, all those gradually decrease as one learns Dhamma and tries to live it, i.e., live a moral life.

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