Reply To: How to get rid of ego (asmi mana)


I have the same problem as Aniduan. I find that a lot of suffering i face is due to ego. However it’s not like contemplating on sense pleasures – here i can say that ice cream is anicca and hence not worth pursuing. But for pride and ego, it is not something that i willingly grasp in the first place, I would be more than happy to let it go! I know very well that my sense of self is of anicca, dukkha and anatta nature, but i automatically still hold on to it.

Eg if my boss scolds me, it would be wonderful if I have no ego. Or if someone spreads falsehoods about me. 

In this case, how will yall contemplate on things that affect your ego? Is there a form of meditation that we can do to actively target this sense of self/ego?