July 8, 2024 at 7:25 pm
Very good, Taryal! But we can dig a bit deeper.
1. This sutta is specifically about “paṭiccasamuppannā dhammā,” i.e., those entities that arise via Paṭicca Samuppāda.”
- All the terms in Paṭicca Samuppāda arise due to causes and conditions and, therefore, can be stopped from arising.
- Obviously, the Buddha (and Arahants) have done that.
- All the terms in Paṭicca Samuppāda are “paṭiccasamuppannā dhammā.” See “Paccaya Sutta (SN 12.20).”
2. Another set of entities (dhammā) that DO NOT arise for a Buddha (and Arahants) are rupa, vedanā, saññā, saṅkhāra, and viññāna in pañcupādānakkhandhā (pañca upādānakkhandhā).
- Since five entities have stopped arising in Buddha, rupa DO NOT imply rupa in the external world. They refer to “rupa” that arise in the mind together with defilements. Obviously, the Buddha can see, hear, smell, etc., things in the external world.
- Similarly, vedanā, saññā, saṅkhāra, and viññāna DO NOT refer to all vedana (only samphassa-jā-vedanā), all saññā (only upādāna for saññā), all saṅkhāra (only abhisaṅkhāra), or all viññāna (only kamma viññāna.)
- Those five entities can also be written as rupa upādānakkhandha, vedanā upādānakkhandha, saññā upādānakkhandha, saṅkhāra upādānakkhandha, and viññāṇa upādānakkhandha.
3. In the “Bāhuna Sutta (AN 10.81)” all five entities in #2 are listed, but only five from #1 are listed.
4. We can also relate to the material discussed regarding “distorted saññā” in the sections “Sotapanna Stage via Understanding Perception (Saññā)” and “Meditation – Deeper Aspects.”
- The root cause for the arising of rupa upādānakkhandha, vedanā upādānakkhandha, saññā upādānakkhandha, saṅkhāra upādānakkhandha, and viññāṇa upādānakkhandha is the arising of ajjhatta rupa, ajjhatta vedanā, ajjhatta saññā, ajjhatta saṅkhāra, and ajjhatta viññāṇa BASED ON “distorted saññā.“
- It may have become apparent to some. But it will hopefully become more evident in the upcoming posts.
P.S. I see that TripleGemStudent posted a comment about #2 above. Very good!