Reply To: Bahuna Sutta – Unrestricted awareness?


The translation at Sutta Central: “Bāhuna Sutta (AN 10.81)” 

The key verse to be understood is:

katihi nu kho, bhante, dhammehi tathāgato nissaṭo visaṁyutto vippamutto vimariyādīkatena cetasā viharatī”ti?”

Sutta Central translation: “Sir, how many things has the Realized One escaped from, so that he lives detached, liberated, his mind free of limits?”

AccesstoInsight translation Taryal provided: “Lord, freed, dissociated, & released from how many things does the Tathagata dwell with unrestricted awareness?”

The Buddha stated: Dasahi kho, vāhana, dhammehi tathāgato nissaṭo visaṁyutto vippamutto vimariyādīkatena cetasā viharati. Katamehi dasahi?” OR “Bāhuna, the Realized One has escaped from ten things, so that he lives detached, liberated, his mind free of limits.” (Sutta Central translation).

Then, the sutta says there are ten things that  the Buddha (tathāgato) is free from:  Rūpena kho, vāhana, tathāgato nissaṭo visaṁyutto vippamutto vimariyādīkatena cetasā viharati, vedanāya kho, vāhana …pe… saññāya kho, vāhana … saṅkhārehi kho, vāhana … viññāṇena kho, vāhana … jātiyā kho, vāhana … jarāya kho, vāhana … maraṇena kho, vāhana … dukkhehi kho, vāhana … kilesehi kho, vāhana, tathāgato nissaṭo visaṁyutto vippamutto vimariyādīkatena cetasā viharati

Can anyone point out how to express those ten things? I think the answers should come from you all rather than me. 

  • This is what is involved in insight meditation!