Reply To: Body of hell beings, their location and detection

Yash RS

True ! but  such people can counter question the Dhamma by asking the same question.

“If you are a Sakadagami and will be born in a Heavenly plane, why don’t you die?”

Now we can respond to it as “Because with the Dhamma one becomes compassionate and tries to spread it to help as many people as possible “

Then they will repeat the same answer! ” We also have compassion and want to spread Christianity to every person “

Now we can’t debate them via such an approach. 

They believe they are in the truth and will try their best to defend it even if it doesn’t hold true.

We can ask them the following questions to question their entire theology.

If the God is infinitely compassionate then why does hell exist? Who created it ? Satan? Why did God let the Satan exist? Why didn’t God create a perfectly happy universe if he is infinitely compassionate?

Why did he create everything? What was the need? 

What about the rebirth evidences?

Why are some born poor, rich , mentally and physically disabled and some are completely fine? Why did god create such inequality? If he wanted to test our compassion, what was the basis for him choosing certain individuals to suffer and others to enjoy?

If god is infinitely powerful then why do calamities occur? Why people kill each other? Why doesn’t god interfere if he’s infinely merciful and compassionate ,etc.

What about those children who die at a very young age, where do they go? If heaven then on what basis? Why did he made that child’s parents suffer?

This is enough to trigger them, they won’t be able to answer anything without inconsistency and anger, yet they won’t accept the truth!