June 24, 2024 at 11:24 am
All akusala kamma start as mano sankhara. The following is important to know in reference to the “javana citta analysis” you are investigating.
- Once the mind decides to act on an arammana at the votthapana stage, seven javana cittas flow.
- The attachment to the arammana (and one’s feelings about it) increases with each javana citta up to the fifth and then tapers off in the sixth and the seventh. It is like a runner getting started, accelerating, then slowing down, and stopping at the end.
- First, mano sankharas dominate the first two javana citta. Vaci sankharas start in the third and get stronger in the fourth leading to speech (vaci kamma). The fifth javana is the strongest, and one does kaya kamma with kaya sankhara with the fifth. Then the javana power decreases in the sixth and seventh.
- Also, kammas do not occur with one javana citta. There are millions of such citta vithi per second, and the role of each javana citta gets stronger with time. I tried to explain that in the video conference that we had a few months ago.
Link to the forum thread: “Pure Dhamma zoom meeting!“
- Seng Kiat posted the following notes there on January 14, 2024 at 8:03 pm: Download “Dhamma discussion – 14th January Notes”:
Link: Google Drive
The last (fifth) slide there explains that idea.