Reply To: Compilation of my thoughts


Yes. Your summary is good.

You wrote: “I cautiously speculate that phassa arising from indriya might not be discussed at all in Paticca Samuppada.”

  • That is correct. Phassa and samphassa are entirely different.
  • Phassa is a cetasika that arises in ALL cittas. In contrast, samphassa means “defiled sensory contact,” which appears in Paticca Samuppada.
  • Possible confusion arises due to the uddesa (brief) version of Paticca Samuppada:  “salayatana paccaya phassa.” That really means “salayatana paccaya samphassa.”
  • See “Difference between Phassa and Samphassa.”

You wrote: “The statement “the sun is not a planet” is astronomically true. And “the sun is anicca” is a Dhammically true statement. Both are true and they’re talking about the sun, but astronomy is not Buddha Dhamma. The same logic applies here. (Of course, Abhidhamma IS Buddha Dhamma.) That’s the reason even if one is good at Abhidhamma, they may not have gotten any magga phala.”

  • That is quite true. Some people know how to recite Abhidhamma, but have not fully comprehended the ideas. My goal is to try to explain Abhidhamma concepts in simple language.