Ariyaratna Sir, thank you.I would like to briefly revise, what I could learn from this post:
What I wanted to Know:
If PS is seen as a flood between two banks, anyone wanting to reach the other shore, can neither afford to simply plunge in nor try swim against the force of the current to reach the other side. How would one cross it, if PS is a fixed, arcane cycle with everything set and included within it?, meaning no matter what one does , the outcomes are within the cycle & its “flow”. Plunging/plainly landing in – would mean “kamasukha allika anuyogo”, and swimming against it would be “attakilamatha anuyogo”.
Answers I found upon reflecting on Lal Sirs answers and giving time:
The simile of the flood , I think, is exactly, meant to wake us up to the impossible situation we are caught in. in other words there is no solution to it in terms of routine logic. Mundane Logic which is driven by either one of the two extremes of “kamasukha allika anuyogo” or “attakilamatha anuyogo” does not include the answer. What’s required perhaps, is a less intoxicated and out of the box solution which is “majjima patipada”.
In this Transcendental Logic (majjima patipada) one first realizes of the impossible situation He or She is caught in(vipassana), along with the realization that there is a certain “Space” (samatha) from which He is able to so correctly see (samma ditthi). That is, both vipassana and samatha.
There is only one Bank , the one on which He was always standing or could ever hope to go, which is his own “Pure Mind”- which provides the “space” (samma ditthi) to rightly see the fact (dukka sacca/PS).
Turning it the other way round , with Samma Ditthi one has in-fact started to tune into the Pure Mind (Nibbana). The “flood” or “waters” have started to still!. From there on, Kamma (Punna or Kusala) help to completely still these waters (or help achieve re-births , progressively, which are more attuned to Nibbana(Pure Mind)).
Doing Good can be enjoyed just for the sake of it (ex: Karuna-Samatha) and can also be enjoyed for constituting the correct practice(vipassana).
These observations could generate overlapping questions (idealism, atta bava etc etc , especially when we use words like “pure mind” , but I assure you these are not my intentions and I am looking at the present concern, psychologically). But even these apprehensions too, I believe, can be answered , but that requires working out and presenting a more broader philosophy, which is not required here and now and more importantly, which I am not capable of.
That’s it from my side sir. Kindly correct if required. I would like to humbly thank Dosakkhayo, Tobias G, Yash RS for starting this post, taking part and chipping in with wonderful insights.
Have a good day sirs. Kindly correct/improve /add that might be required.