May 14, 2024 at 6:09 am
taryal: “I am curious to know how you come up with the information you present in this website. It seems different from other (western) sources of Buddha dhamma. For instance, where can I find the description of 4th Jhāna (or OBE) in the Tipitaka? Also, why is it that you claim Abhidhamma can only be discovered by a Buddha but western scholars like Bhikkhu Bodhi say it was likely a later addition?”
I do not intend to coerce or persuade anyone to read my website. Anyone can read it, take what they like, and leave what they don’t. Of course, I will do my best to answer any questions they may have. The rest of my life is dedicated to informing others (those with an interest and an open mind) about the value of Buddha’s original teachings.
- All my information comes from the Pali Tipitaka.
- Yes. It is different from “other (western) sources of Buddha dhamma.” I have explained why here: “Elephants in the Room.”
- I have many posts about jhana on the website. You can search the website using the “Search” box on the top right and read what you like. If you have questions, you can post them on the forum by specifying the post.
- Bhikkhu Bodhi has written a book on Abhidhamma: “Abhidhamma – Introduction“