Reply To: A Question about Paññā of Puthujjanō


Yes. It is good to make certain about these issues.

I have revised #9 of the post that you referred to (“Cetasika – Connection to Gati“) as follows:

9. It is easier to list the six moral cetasika that do not necessarily arise with each kusala cittaThese are the ones that NEED TO BE CULTIVATED with the comprehension of anicca, dukkha, and anatta.

  • They are Sammā Vācā (speech that is conducive to eliminating “san“), Sammā Kammanta (actions that are conducive to eliminating “san“), Sammā Ājiva (a lifestyle that is conducive to eliminating “san“), karunā (“Ariya” compassion), muditā (“Ariya” appreciative joy), and paññā (wisdom) which is the same as Sammā Diṭṭhi.
  • Of course, mundane versions of those are developed to some extent when someone lives one’s life morally, but they will NEVER grow to higher stages until one understands anicca, dukkha, and anatta, at least to some extent. In particular, paññā (wisdom) starts emerging ONLY when one starts grasping anicca, dukkha, and anatta; that happens at an early stage of lokuttara (not mundane) Sammā Diṭṭhi.
  • That is why sammā vācā is not just “good speech,” or sammā kammaṃta is not just “good deeds.” Sammā (“san” + “ma“) means “to remove “san‘,” i.e., done with an understanding of anicca, dukkha, anatta; see, “Why is Correct Interpretation of Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta so Important?“.

I hope that makes it clear. Let me know if anything is not clear. You don’t need to apologize for asking questions.

P.S. When asking a question about a post, please refer to the bullet number in question. That makes it easier for me to get to it quicker. Otherwise, I have to read the whole post, trying to find the location in the post.