December 2, 2023 at 6:59 am
No need to apologize. It was my mistake. I failed to catch it.
- I have revised the last part of #5 of “Avyākata Paṭicca Samuppāda for Vipāka Viññāṇa” as follows:
- A kusala kamma cannot be described by a PS process. A kusala kamma is a punna kamma done with the comprehension of Noble Truths/Paticca Samuppada/Tilakkhana. That will eventually help us attain Nibbāna by following the Noble Path. That is also part of Satipaṭṭhāna/Ānapāna. See “Sotapanna Stage via Understanding Perception (Saññā)” for details.
I thought about this issue of Kusala-mula PS processes. I think the Sutta Pitaka does not discuss such a concept (as I mentioned in my earlier comment) because there is no need. I think it is better to remove the post on “Kusala-Mula Paticca Samuppada” permanently.
- Dosakkhayo’s final comment above: “I was trying to say that Avyakata PS could also have a namarupa.”
- Namarupa formation requires javana citta with raga, dosa, or moha. That happens in javana citta after the votthapana stage in the figure in my comment in the discussion on “Kiriya Citta.”