Reply To: Collection of Videos of medical operations, surgeries, rotting body etc.


Hello everyone 

I am not agree with some. Just like Lal said we cannot said completely no. The vision of a dead body can lead someone to the anagami state. I think even the arahant state. The 13 dhutaṅga are the perfect example. The 13 dhutaṅga are the only ascetics practices recommanded by the Lord Buddha himself. They are mainly for the samgha but the lays can try some of them. If one pratices them with determination he can becomes arahant really easily. Leaving In a charnel houses or a graveyard is one of the 13. The Buddha recommand to leave in the cimetery to see the asubha nature frequently. Each of the 13 have différent level of pratice to 1 at 3. Arahant Maha Kassapa was the best praticionners in the 13 Dhutaṅga. Leaving among the dead with a good comprehension of the Dhamma developp the asubha meditation and one can easily destroys kama ragā with the right determination.  (Asubha is not only for the body but also for the food. That can help some who eat more than necesserily.



Many monk developp the Jhana easily when they watch a dead body in real life. In some monastery in Theravada  country some monk allow when they died to be exposes in front of the other for many days. The other can developp the asubha meditation. A dead body can become a kasina just like the other objects. One can also see his own dead body in a vision as a nimitta. In Pa auk center in Burma, many praticionners developp the Jhana with asubha meditation. I don’t think asubha developp Dosa that depend of the person. That’s why the Lord Buddha said the Dhutaṅga is only optional is not a obligation. In the Buddha time the monks who want to becomes arahant with the 13 dhutaṅga following Arahant Maha Kassapa. The Monk who want to becomes arahant with wisdoms follow Arahant Sariputta. Some who wants to developp the abhinnas follow Arahant Maha Mogallana.

(I think Pure Dhamma are more focus on Arahant Sariputta method like understand the main concept with wisdom.) That’s really great.


Also for us lays we need to have a open mind if one want to do not pratice in this way is okay but if one want to pratice in the other way is also okay. Each of this path lead to Nibbāna. For example me personnaly i don’t developp dosa when i see a dead body that just remind me the annica nature. When i was monk i read about this pratice i didn’t pratice them seriously but the next time if i ordain i want to try them.




For those who do not knows the 13 Dhutaṅga here 

1. Wearing patched-up robes (pamsukula)

2. Wearing only three robes (tecivarika)

3. Going for alms (pindapatha)

4. Not omitting any house while going for alms (sapadanacarika)

5. Eating a single meal a day (ekasanika)

6. Eating only from the alms-bowl (pattapindika)

7. Refusing to accept any extra food (khalupacchabhattika)

8. Living in the forest (arannika)

9. Living under a tree (rukkhamula)

10. Living in the open air (abbhokasika)

11. Living in a cemetery (susanika)

12. Be satisfied with allotted dwelling (yathasantatika)

13. Sitter’s practice (nesajjika) – living in the three postures of walking, standing and sitting and never lying down


Arahant Maha Kassapa: Father of the Sangha