Reply To: Sila of a Sotapanna


1. Kamma and their vipaka (consequences) is a complex subject. 

  • The Buddha advised us not to try to analyze how they work. It is a subject fully comprehensible only to a Buddha.
  • See “Acinteyya Sutta (AN 4.77).” There the Buddha lists four subjects that are not fully comprehensible by average humans. One of them is: “Kammavipāko, bhikkhave, acinteyyo, na cintetabbo;” OR “The results of kamma cannot be comprehended by average humans.”

2. However, the Buddha has given some general guidelines in several suttas. For example, see “Mahākammavibhaṅga Sutta (MN 136)” and “Cūḷakammavibhaṅga Sutta (MN 135)

3. Regarding a Sotapanna: A Sotapanna is unlikely to engage in any akusala kamma unless it becomes unavoidable. 

  • For example, it is highly unlikely that a Sotapanna will willingly steal, lie, or engage in immoral actions, let alone kill a human. But there are situations where an immoral action may be unavoidable. It is only an Arahant who will NEVER be able to engage in immoral actions.
  • The six actions are those that a Sotapanna will NEVER be able to commit for any reason.

4. The following posts may be helpful:

The Five Precepts – What the Buddha Meant by Them
How to Evaluate Weights of Different Kamma
What is Kamma? – Is Everything Determined by Kamma?

Kusala and Akusala Kamma, Punna and Pāpa Kamma
Ten Immoral Actions (Dasa Akusala)
Punna Kamma – Dāna, Sīla, Bhāvanā

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