May 28, 2023 at 5:07 am
Yes, Tobi. It would be the same idea. Thank you.
Tobias wrote: “I do not understand how you can say : “…rupakkhandha is NOT preserved.“
- I don’t know how many times I have to keep saying this. I NEVER meant to say, “…rupakkhandha is NOT preserved.“
- As I explained in my last comment above:
” It would be better to modify the last part of it as “Thus, rupakkhandha is NOT preserved DIRECTLY“ (meaning it is not preserved as a direct image.)
- But the preservation of the mental aggregates guarantees that it is preserved.
- Still, we need to send some energy to recall it, as explained in the new post, “Rupa, Dhammā (Appaṭigha Rupa) and Nāmagotta (Memories) (with chart #14).”
If the statement, “…rupakkhandha is NOT preserved.“ appears somewhere, it needs to be revised. Please let me know in which post (bullet #) it shows up. I will revise it as above. If it is there, it is only an unintended error.