Reply To: Post on “Salāyatana Are Not Sense Faculties”


Today, I solved many problems after calm and slow deliberation. Below is what I have learned so far. Please let me know if there’s anything wrong.

1. Manāyatana and dhammāyatana correspond to vedanākkhandho saññākkhandho saṅkhārakkhandho viññāṇakkhandho.

I said: Rupakkhandha contains manāyatana? – Lal said: No.

2. Dasa rūpaāyatanāna, namely cakkhāyatanaṁ, rūpāyatanaṁ, sotāyatanaṁ, saddāyatanaṁ, ghānāyatanaṁ, gandhāyatanaṁ, jivhāyatanaṁ, rasāyatanaṁ, kāyāyatanaṁ, and phoṭṭhabbāyatanaṁ correspond to rupakkhandha. See; Pe 6

Therefore, #6 should be revised.

“That makes sense since the six internal and five external āyatana takes into account the rupakkhandha.”

->”That makes sense since the five internal and five external āyatana takes into account the rupakkhandha.”

“The sixth external āyatana (dhammā) incorporates the four mental aggregates.”

-> “The sixth internal and external āyatana incorporates the four mental aggregates.”

3. There are two main types of rūpa that appear in suttā.<br />
3-1 The first type of rūpa refers to matter and energy. It is suddhāṭhaka (apo, tejo, vayo, pathavi, akasa) and dhammā rūpa below it. See “Bhūta and Yathābhūta – What Do They Really Mean“<br />
3-2 The second rūpa is a mental impression created by the mind in the process of living being experiencing the first rūpa. It is not rūpa as matter and energy. All of the rupa that appear in the context referring to rupakkhandha is this second case.

4. There are two stages of contamination of the mind.<br />
4-1 The first contamination occurs to all beings who have not attained Arahanthood. It is nine stages of contamination of citta. That’s why vipaka vinnana, experienced by all beings other than Arahant, is also contaminated. In this case, there is no tanha and kamma vinnana.

4-2 The second contamination occurs only when the given arammana matches the one’s sangati. This is the “tiṇṇaṁ saṅgati phasso” case, which can lead to generating kamma vinnana.

5. Arahant is free of both contaminations. That’s because arahant completed yathābhūta ñāna. Therefore, arahant has no ayatana.

5-1 Both akusala mula PS and kusala mula PS include ayatana. It doesn’t happen to Arahant either of these.<br />
5-2 The reason ayatana occurs in both processes is to additionally focus on. In akusala mula PS, one focus on arammana to enjoy it (ayatana with san). On the other hand, ayatana in kusala mula PS is like zeroing in to understand in a way consistent with the laws of nature. (So there is no san in kusala mula ayatana) Therefore, in the case of Arahant, ayatana is not required. Because the zero adjustment process has been completed. i.e. The cultivation of yath̃bhūtanana has been completed.

6. Experience is possible even after achieving the Arahantship. So Arahant has pancakkhandha. And Arahant’s mind would not allow any contamination. So, Arahant’s pancakkhandha can not be contaminated. Now, here is the question. Arahant’s pancakkhandha can not be called ayatana. Because there is no contaminant at all. Also, “Cakkhuñca paṭicca rūpe ca uppajjati cakkhuviññāṇaṁ” can not refer to the experience process of Arahant by the same reasoning. Then what should it be called?

I think I’ve read a post distinguishing between paticca and paccya to describe the process. It said: paticca refers to only contaminated processes and paccya refers to both contaminated and non-contaminated, but I can’t remember.