October 4, 2022 at 10:40 pm
Thank you, Lal, for this post on the new website “https://puredhamma.netlify.app/” in ebook form.
In addition to the “replica” of Pure Dhamma website at “https://puredhamma.netlify.app/”, I have also added the Medium Discourses Collection – Majjhima Nikāya at “https://puredhamma.netlify.app/MajjhimaNikaya/”.
This Medium Discourses Collection – Majjhima Nikāya can also be access from “https://puredhamma.netlify.app/” under the Content (a drop down list) column (left column) right at the bottom of the list, under header “Sutta Piṭaka” with a list “Mijjhima Nikāya”. Once “Mijjhima Nikāya” is click, it will open in a new tab. More collection will be added as I compile them and publish it!