Yes. It is a good figure showing the basic ideas. Thank you, Dosakkhayo!
A couple of comments on “rupa.”
1. “Sappatigha rupa” are those “can be contacted by the five physical sensory faculties.” Thus, they are “rupa rupa” (or vanna rupa), sadda rupa, gandha rupa, rasa rupa, and phottabba rupa.
– “Appatigha rupa” means those that the five physical sense faculties cannot make contact with. They are experienced directly by the mind (via mana indriya in the brain.) “Appatigha rupa” are the “dhammā” or “dhamma rupa.”
2. “Sappatigha rupa” are above the suddhatthaka stage.
– “Appatigha rupa” are below the suddhatthaka stage. They can be represented by various terminologies: kamma bija, kamma bhava, kammic energy, etc.
3. Each sensory event (with abhisankhara or without) is registered in the nāmaloka (viññāṇa dhātu)
– Only those associated with abhisankhara (i.e., with kammic energy) lead to “dhammā” or “dhamma rupa.”
4. “Sappatigha rupa” are located in specific places in world. A tree is in a specific place.
– On the other hand, “Appatigha rupa” does not have specific spatial locations. They are in the nāmaloka (viññāṇa dhātu) that pervades all space. Thus, “dhammā” can come to mind even if one is at the other end of the universe!
Dosakkhayo asked:
“In this context, sensory faculties mean ayatana. Right? Or include indriya too?”
Sensory faculties BECOME ayatana when used with lobha, dosa, or moha in mind.
– For example, eyes are used as indriya when one looks at a person to figure out who it is.
– But if one looks at a beautiful person with kama raga, one is using eyes as ayatana.
– Arahants never use their sensory faculties as ayatana, only as indriya.