I pondered on lal’s analogy of fish, hook and bait and got breakthrough.
This are notes from that breakthrough;
This is expansion on that analogy;
Is it wise for fish to embrace the worm tied to hook in pond by someone trying to caught fish?
If fish were to do it,
will it have more sukha or dukha as final result?
Is small temporary happiness fish had after eating that worm, was worth its life?
But, if the fish chooses to embrace the worm, in hopes of whatever little shred of happiness it can have by eating the worm, is that action wise or unwise?
Doing unwise leads to pleasent or unpleasant results in long term?
If fish knew that in having one single time small meal it will be caught in much suffering?
Would it embrace the worm?
Ofcourse not.
Becaus it will get caught and die.
Humans too act like fish.
What is “worm” for humans?
(Worm = trap/bait in this analogy)
Pleasent sights, smells, touches, sounds and taste.
One either has greed or hatred for this five kinds of objects. When it is pleasent object there is greed to keep it, maintain it, embrace it, trying to have more of it. When event, person or any other cause blocks happiness dependent upon that object, one generates hatred for that cause, which blocks one from having the much desired pleasent experience.
This goes much deeper through, it is not just pleasent nature of objects, happiness is even dependent on personal preference too. Different people have different kinds of personal preferences, this preference is subtle greed for having things in particular way. WHEN this personal preferences are not fulfilled, they again do what?
There is Generating of dislike, friction or even hatred, depending upon how strong the happiness of that person was dependent on greed/personal-preference being fulfilled.
Now, what is “hook” for humans?
Just like fish is caught on hook in eating worm.
Humans too get *caught in sansarā* while trying to eat worm.
Why sansarā is hook?
Did any of your suffering arise in any other way then through six senses?
Why sansarā is hook,
Because not matter what, it is not possible to have happiness without suffering.
As long as one want to eat delightful sights, sounds, smells, taste, touch using senses.
Write this down, the much unwanted future suffering cannot be stopped. Even if one had everything one cannot stop illness, old age and death. One cannot stop becoming monkey or insect based upon one’s own kamma despite everything. If the causes are there, effects will follows inevitably.
So, even through all sorts of pleasent things are present in world, they bring much more suffering then pleasure, happiness.
Is 100 years of even kingly pleasure of any value if you were to become monkey or insect after this birth?
One thinks this is impossible,
Because, of too much attachment to body. One thinks body is mine, I am body etc. Because one fails to see the causes for birth of body.
If parents were not United, if mother was not in her time, if you didn’t had kamma bija for human Bhavā, if you didn’t had food at any time in your life for long time, would you still be here?
It is all just causality at the core.
Are six senses ever completely fulfilled?
It is impossible, because, whatever temporary fulfilment one has, comes through contact of senses with corresponding external senses objects. *It arises based on conditionality, with cessation of causes, whole experience ceases.*
One cannot constantly maintain any conditionality to keep senses fulfilled.
Senses are by their very nature are insatiable. It is not your fault that they are unfulfilled. They have inherent nature of suffering and vexation.
Trying to keep senses happy or fulfilled by providing them various pleasent objects is foolish.
One is trying to do impossible.
Six senses are not not be relied upon to have any happiness.
Now, we see that six senses are unfulfilled always and they are always unbalanced and insatiable and always gives suffering.
Both senses and external sense objects are completely Aniccā, dukkhā and anatta. They are utterly useless for achieving any kind of permanent happiness.
One who tries to achieve the happiness through six senses is fool. He will always be unhappy eventually.
One should get rid of all passions based on either senses or six corresponding sense objects.
So, with cessation of this senses would all suffering cease or no?
Without birth can senses come? So, with stopping of birth, do senses arises or no?
So, with cessation of birth, with cessation of senses, would suffering to end or no?
But, when what exists birth exists?
Without avijjā/ignorance,
Birth cannot come!
What is Avijjā/ignorance?
It is only when delusion exists that either this senses or the objects out in the world can provide *PERMANENT HAPPINESS* that you run behind them with passion, hate, greed etc.
Now, with cessation of this avijjā/ignorance abhisaṅkhāra ceases, defiled viññana cease, salayatana ceases, samphassa ceases, samphassa-jā-vēdanā ceases, tanha ceases, bhava ceases and with cessation 9f bhava comes cessation of jati, with cessation of jati comes cessation of birth, with cessation of birth, comes stopping of all suffering.
Cessation of all suffering is that not a true happiness, all of us seek?