July 21, 2022 at 8:11 pm
Yes. The succinct verse: “Tattha katamo aniccaṭṭho? Pīḷanaṭṭho aniccaṭṭho pabhaṅgaṭṭho sampāpanaṭṭho vivekaṭṭho aniccaṭṭho, ayaṃ aniccaṭṭho”
can be analyzed in great detail.
The word sampāpanaṭṭho means “with the meaning of sampāpana.”
– “sampāpana” is “san” + “pāpana” where “pāpana” implies “inducing pāpa” or “inducing immoral.” Of course, “san” is to “add.”
– Thus, sampāpanaṭṭho conveys the idea that not comprehending anicca nature induces people to engage in immoral activities (pāpa kamma.)
It helps to pronounce the Pali word sampāpana instead of “sampapana”
– These are minor details.