Reply To: Constructs of the Pali words “Uddhacca” and “kukkucca” ?


“Uddhacca” is “high-mindedness” (high regard for oneself) which can be at various levels and completely removed only at the Arahant stage.
“Kukkucca” is the tendency to do lowly things such as mistreating others. It goes away probably at the Sotapanna stage.
– Those are two separate cetasika: “Cetasika (Mental Factors)

When they appear together, “uddhacca kukkucca” is one of the five nivarana that “covers a mind” and prevents “seeing the true nature of the world.” Here, one tends to do “lowly things” based on high-mindedness, power, etc.

Yes. It is possible that they may have roots in “acca“. I need to think about that.