I am compiling all the PLAYLIST of venerable waharaka thero’s Sermons with ENGLISH TRANSCRIPT:
“LET’S LEARN THE REALITY OF THE WORLD PRECISELY – Light Of the wisdom – Sooryavloka Series”
There are 7 videos in this playlist.
This is the link to playlist (↓)
One more video of series not included in above seven videos series;
This above single video is about AnulōmaSanthiya and SammathaNiyama. I do not know what that is, as of writing now.
This following link is for playlist of waharaka thero on various topics;
Following Link (↓) is for video playlist series, Know the Thilukhuna – Let’s learn the reality of world precisely. Eight videos in total.
Following last videos series (↓) has no series name in English except first video in series is titled as “what is the right way to attain nibbanā?” contains five videos.
That’s all playlist and videos I could find as of now.
May this be of much help and benifit to everyone who hears and learns from it.