Tobias’ first comment:
There is a big difference between kammma bhava and uppatti bhava.
– Kamma bhava means kammic energies that have been accumulated over past lives. They DO NOT disappear even when one attains Arahanthod. However, energies in the kamma bhava fade away with time for everyone, just like any type of energy fades away.
– When a “specific portion” of kamma bhava is grasped at the cuti-patisandhi moment, it becomes uppatti bhava.
– An Arahant has kamma bhava, but no uppatti bhava since there is no upadana to grasp a kamma bhava.
Tobias’ second comment:
We need to be careful with “adhimokkha paccayā bhavo”
– As we discussed, it comes in Kusala-mula Paticca Samuppada.
– But the same word is sometimes used in Akusala-mula PS based on patigha. In that PS, it can be stated as “tanha paccaya upadana, upadana paccaya bhava” OR “patigha paccaya adhimokkho, adhimokkha paccaya bhava.”
– When someone becomes angry, it peaks quickly, and that is what is meant by “adhimokkha” there.
– It is better to stick to the above explanation in response to the first comment. It is simpler and less complicated.