OK. It was bugging me, so I dropped everything and reviewed the description in the “Paṭiccasamuppāda vibhaṅga”
I think I discussed this briefly with you and Seng Kiat back in 2020 via email when the two of you asked for clarification (separately). As I explained then, the “Paṭiccasamuppāda vibhaṅga” in the above link provides a detailed explanation. The “standard PS” is analyzed via 16 cycles. I have not written a post on it, since it is very complex.
1. It describes in detail the 16 steps for an akusala mula PS. The description starts in section 2. Abhidhammabhājanīya.
– It is not easy to follow those 16 cycles. There are 4 cycles each for 2.1. Paccayacatukka, 2.2. Hetucatukka, 2.3. Sampayuttacatukka, 2.4. Aññamaññacatukka.
– That means for four types of paccaya: paccaya, hetu, sampayutta, Aññamañña.
2. Then there are four cycles (catukka) within each of those. That is how it becomes 16 cycles!
– That analysis takes up most of the rest of the section.
– So, it provides that VERY DETAILED analysis ONLY for the akusala-mula PS.
3. The point is that for Kusala-mula PS, it describes only the first of the 16 cycles!
– That is why it has only “nama”: “..viññāṇa paccayā nāmaṁ, nāma paccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṁ.”
– The other steps ending with:..viññāṇa paccayā nāmarūpaṁ, nāmarūpa paccayā saḷāyatanaṁ” are NOT explained again, because they proceed similarly to the case of Akusala-mula PS.
I also found the emails that I exchanged with you and Seng Kiat.
– My email to Seng Kiat with the explanation was on Aug. 25, 2020.
– You asked about it later on. I replied to you on Dec. 29, 2020.
For All: As the Buddha admonished Ven. Ananda, PS is VERY deep. One can go to extreme details. However, it is not necessary to go to such depths to understand the basic porcess.