Hello Dipo,
I don’t see anything wrong with your inquiry into this issue. It is a complex issue.
1. The approach of Buddha Dhamma and modern science on the mind are the exact opposite approaches. I have tried to emphasize that in answer to a previous question from you.
– My suggestion is to keep that in mind.
– Science says that “consciousness” or “mind” emerges from matter. Buddha Dhamma says consciousness can arise ONLY in a hadaya vatthu created by kammic energy.
– It will NOT be possible to come to an explanation that can satisfy both approaches. If you try to “merge the two,” you will only get more confused.
2. I just did a search, and that is an easy way to look for relevant posts: “Search Results for: matching womb gandhabba.”
3. The following is what I mean by a “matching womb” or a “suitable womb.”
– In general, children of a couple will have gati (character/habits) that are similar to their own. Of course, no two people will have exactly the same gati. But two people get together BECAUSE they have similar gati.
– The children will have PHYSICAL features from both parents, but in some cases, the child may have features mostly from one parent.
– MENTAL aspects may turn out to be that way too. But as mentioned above, the parent are likely to have more common mental aspects between them.
4. Therefore, only those gandhabbas “matching” the MENTAL aspects will be pulled into the mother’s womb.
– We can see that to be true in general. Children normally have the moral qualities of their parents.
– But there can be exceptions. If the mother becomes distressed (say, in rape situations), her mental state could affect the type of gandhabba drawn into the womb. Normally, the “descending of a gandhabba into the womb” occurs within a day or two after intercourse.
5. This “matching of gati” can be seen in many situations. It is a natural process. The saying, “Birds of a feather flock together,” is true, and we can see that all around us.
– See, “The Law of Attraction, Habits, Character (Gati), and Cravings (Āsava)”
6. After reading the post in #5, you may want to read some of the posts in #2 and ask specific questions (you may be able to locate the post you had in mind there).