Gandhabba State – Evidence from Tipiṭaka

…be alive through many successive births within human bhava (which can last thousands of years). When a given physical body dies, the gandhabba can enter another womb when a matching

Antarābhava and Gandhabba

…waits for another womb. It is improbable that a matching womb will appear precisely at the death of a human physical body. In most cases, the gandhabba has to wait…

Four Types of Births in Buddhism

…is grasped with an opapātika birth. But that will be followed by a jalābuja birth at some point. That gandhabba is pulled into a mother’s womb when a “matching womb”…

Cloning and Gandhabba

…be initiated without a gandhabba (or the “mental body” or “manōmaya kāya.”) In the case of a natural conception, the matching gandhabba (or patisandhi viññāna) will descend to the womb