Reply To: Consciousness (Mind v Brain) Citta Vithi


Hello Dipo,

You wrote: “Another analogy I might use is that one’s Kammic (karmic) Profile is like an energy investment account. A person can make good/beneficial investments, and bad/un-beneficial investments to their portfolio. The overall dominant type of investments defines the account (profile). Compared to an account with mostly bad investments producing negative results, an account with good investments will produce positive results.”

1. That is a good outline.
– However, one CAN attain Nibbana (Arahanthood) while still having a lot of “bad investments” in the account.
– For example, Angulimala killed almost 1000 people and yet attained the Arahanthood within a couple of weeks of meeting the Buddha. The kammic energy that he had accumulated was still there. He simply would not “grasp” (upadana) such actions ever again because his mind was purified with the comprehension of Four Noble Truths/Paticca Samyppada/Tilallkana. See, “Account of Angulimāla – Many Insights to Buddha Dhamma
– That is a different issue you may not yet understand. How familiar are you with Paticca Samuppada?

2. Karma is the Sanskrit word for kamma. It is better not use to use “karma” or any other Sanskrit words. The Buddha prohibited the use of the Sanskrit language to teach Buddha Dhamma. It has led to the current problem of interpreting “anicca” (Pali word) to be the same as “anitya” (a Sanskrit word meaning impermanence). Again, I am not sure how familiar you are with this issue either.

3. You wrote: “I look forward to this outline you mention.”

What outline are you referring to? I don’t think I talked about providing an outline.

4. By the way, I read a good part of your paper on “Is Buddhism Religion? Why it Matters”. I like it. You have spent a lot of time on it, and it explains why Buddha Dhamma is not a religion in a theistic sense.
– I wish more people would spend time as you do critically examining the teachings of the Buddha. Most “teachers” of Buddha Dhamma in the Western world today just translate deep suttas word by word (using outdated dictionaries) and that has produced awful results. See, “‘Elephant in the Room’ – Direct Translation of the Tipiṭaka.”
– I may be getting you to look at too many different aspects. Just pick those that get your attention the most.