Hello Lal,
One more question: I saw some explanation of a buddha being “purer” than even an Arahant but this leaves me wondering.
To become an Arahant, one must purify the mind to first attain saupadisesa nibbana or incomplete nibbana, then physically die to reach full nibbana. Full Nibbana Being a state beyond ANY matter in ANY shape or form either gross or subtle, absolutely pure of ANY traces of it, absolute purity being absolute purity, what is the difference between such an absolutely pure and perfect Being (Arahant) and the absolutely pure and perfect Being that is a Buddha? A difference between the two implies degrees of absoluteness which by definition means that one of them is not absolute.
Or, Nibbana is a state said to be absolute only in relation to the degree of materiality found in the 31 realms but itself containing degrees of knowledge or understanding.