Reply To: Post on “Akusala-Mūla Upapatti Paṭicca Samuppāda”

Tobias G

Lal, you did not answer my questions. Is there a PS for “getting a glass of water from the kitchen”? Why shall this be the wrong way of looking? That is a question many people will have when looking deeper into the matter. You said in the post Idappaccayātā PS that even to build up a citta requires 16 super fast PS cycles. I think also Waharaka Thero said all in this nature happens based on PS.

Of course we have a vipaka kaya and some vipaka will happen to us during life. But we have to live that life and to act which is again based on PS. Is this PS not described in Abhidhamma?

Regarding namarupa: Vb6 explains the generation of namarupa as “Tattha katamaṁ viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṁ? Atthi nāmaṁ, atthi rūpaṁ. Tattha katamaṁ nāmaṁ? Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho— idaṁ vuccati “nāmaṁ”. Tattha katamaṁ rūpaṁ? Cattāro mahābhūtā, catunnañca mahābhūtānaṁ upādāyarūpaṁ— idaṁ vuccati “rūpaṁ”. Iti idañca nāmaṁ, idañca rūpaṁ.”

That means pancakkandha. When one builds vinnana for a future activity that will be stored in pancakkandha or namarupa (as mind made image). The mind will recall this image from pancakkandha later and act upon again. That is how a being moves forward from one jati to another jati even during life. We fall from one situation into another and perceive this as continuous life.

If we talk about the transition to a new bhava at patisandhi the new bhava is grasped at the step upadana paccaya bhavo. Vb 6 states:
“Tattha katamo upādānapaccayā bhavo? Bhavo duvidhenaatthi kammabhavo, atthi upapattibhavo. Tattha katamo kammabhavo? Puññābhisaṅkhāro, apuññābhisaṅkhāro, āneñjābhisaṅkhāro— ayaṁ vuccati “kammabhavo”. Sabbampi bhavagāmikammaṁ kammabhavo.

Tattha katamo upapattibhavo? Kāmabhavo, rūpabhavo, arūpabhavo, saññābhavo, asaññābhavo, nevasaññānāsaññābhavo, ekavokārabhavo, catuvokārabhavo, pañcavokārabhavo— ayaṁ vuccati “upapattibhavo”. Ayaṁ vuccati “upādānapaccayā bhavo”.”