Reply To: Buddha and humor


Lal said:
“– Of course, that does not mean one should forcefully lose attachment to one’s family. Things will be taken care of naturally.”

I’d like to flip this around and ask about a specific experience to see if anyone went through it.

In my culture, when someone young turns toward Dhamma, it tends to make someone in the family nervous (often times a parent). It is critical for us to achieve mundane success (the more the better) to have a stable life for ourselves and to make the family shine with relatives and society.

We may start reading Dhamma books, going to temple, listening to desanas, and it may make a parent alarmed, although we haven’t relinquished anything outwardly yet. They then dissuade us from going “further” in that direction, and the relationship may become tense. Since they don’t think of, or don’t believe in, rebirths, they are not aware that they want us to lead a life that lengthens samsara.

If we remain resolute (inwardly) toward Dhamma, then with time will relationships that appear to be an obstacle now transform into supporting ones, according to “Dhammo ha ve rakkhati dhammacari”?

Has anyone experienced this?

Many thanks!