Reply To: Dharma is mundane, not sacred


Yes Y not, You’re right
The person that listen to desana heard wrong… (incidentally, the audio of the video was very bad). To understand well you would have to listen several times. I saw the whole video with sound and subtitles, the subtitles generated automatically … (1 h and 13 minutes), they’re worse than audio. It is necessary to improve the Equipment to have a better sound quality, because the experience of Venerable Ajahn Mudito is enormous and he is very sincere and his lectures are rich in teaching…
But he speaks Karma is mundane (not dharma is mundane).
Dharma can be discovered by a Buddha. Not ordinary human beings. If it were mundane, everyone could understand it directly without even the buddha’s teaching…
The Dhamma Is SACRED…
This was my response to the post in Portuguese at the SBB Forum (Buddhist Society of Brazil)
I have to apologize to all of you for trusting a line from an unknown person…