Reply To: Post on Kamma are Done with Sankhāra – Types of Sankhāra


Sorry that I did not see this question. This question is very similar to the one you raised under the other topic today.

However, I can answer in a different way here. Both explanations are inter-consistent.

I mentioned this in the recent post, “Kamma, Saṅkhāra, and Abhisaṅkhāra“, see #12, which says:

12. Even though the first step in Paticca Samuppāda is simply, “avijjā paccayā saṅkhārā,” it really refers to abhisaṅkhārā.

Paṭic­ca­samup­pāda ­Vibhaṅga, explains the term “avijjā paccayā saṅkhārā” in akusala-mula Paticca Samuppāda (that leads to suffering) as follows: “Tattha katame avijjā paccayā saṅkhārā? Puññā­bhi­saṅ­khāro, apuññā­bhi­saṅ­khāro, āneñjā­bhi­saṅ­khāro, kāyasaṅkhāro, vacīsaṅkhāro, cittasaṅkhāro“.

Translated: “What is avijjā paccayā saṅkhārā? Puññā­bhi­saṅ­khāra, apuññā­bhi­saṅ­khāra, āneñjā­bhi­saṅ­khāra, kāyasaṅkhāra, vacīsaṅkhāra, cittasaṅkhāra“. (here, citta saṅkhāra is the same as manō saṅkhāra).

Those are all abhisaṅkhāra, even though the verse is simplified as “avijjā paccayā saṅkhārā“.
Two categories of saṅkhāra are mentioned there. One category refers to types of kamma accrued (Puññā­bhi­saṅ­khāra, apuññā­bhi­saṅ­khāra, āneñjā­bhi­saṅ­khāra.)

So, the point is that Puññā­bhi­saṅ­khāra or puñña kamma are also done with avijjā!
– That is the avijjā anusaya left in ANYONE below the Arahant stage.

An Arahant will do only puñña kiriya (i.e., moral deeeds without any abhisankhara)

Let me know if that is not clear.