Reply To: Sakkāya Ditthi and Tilakkhana


Hello diogorobert,

It is not possible to write in a few posts all the details. So, it is possible that one may get a wrong impression by reading a post. For example, it is not correct to say that,
“1. Walk the mundane eightfold path: get rid of ten dasa akusala”. The post that quoted does not say that a Sotapanna will not commit any of dasa akusala.

– One must make a resolve to remove all dasa akusala. However, a Sotapanna has not removed all of them. Only an Arahant can totally abstain from dasa akusala.
– The hardest of the dasa akusala to remove is miccha ditthi. This is done in many steps, and completed only at the Arahant stage. First, one removes the ten types of miccha ditthi via the mundane eightfold path. Then one removes sakkaya ditthi at the Sotapanna stage. But the wrong views/perceptions of nicca, sukha, atta nature are removed and the anicca, dukkha, anatta nature fully understood only at the Arahant stage.
– I have not discussed nicca, sukha, atta as opposites of anicca, dukkha, anatta in a regular post (I believe). But It is discussed in more detail at: Discourse 3 – Distorted Perceptions or Saññā Vipallāsa; see, “Three Marks of Existence – English Discourses“.

Your other points are correct.

However, I do not see why those are not consistent with the latest post, “Sakkāya Ditthi – Getting Rid of Deeper Wrong Views“.

Can you be more specific as to where the inconsistencies are? May be you can refer to certain bullet numbers in the post and point out why they are not consistent with any other post at the website.