Reply To: Better to Investigate the Present Moment Than Looking In to Beginning


Tobias wrote:
“But before reaching such a stage one has to analyse the dhamma and needs hints and proof to establish saddha/panna.”

I agree with this.

I was one of the people who requested about this sutta. I’ll repeat some of what I said in the email for others:

There are numerous origin stories of this world/humanity from various cultures around the world. I am the most interested in the Buddha Dhamma version. This is the one that counts in my opinion. This is the one that will probably make the most sense. That extra puzzle piece that could clarify a lot of questions.

In honesty, I will remain curious about the true translation/interpretation/meaning of this sutta until I find it. Even Venerable Moggallana, after becoming an Arahant, seemed to have been curious and explored this universe. Key word being “curious” and “explore” and not “tanha/attachment”. It will not be end of the world if we never know, nor is it necessary. But if one can be curious and explore without attachment or with the least amount of tanha as possible, then I see this as no issue nor hindrance to the Path.

It is a shame the correct translations/meaning/interpretation for this sutta is not available.

Venerable Waharaka has talked about this sutta in a desana.
Venerable Waharaka desana
If anyone who is proficient in Sinhalese can translate his desana or anyone proficient in Pali can translate/interpret this sutta, even just the general layout please share in writing or even a desana. Myself and I’m sure many others would be thankful and be curious to read/listen to it. There is no private messaging system here, so can email me at [email protected].