Reply To: Where is the Mana Indriya located in the Brain?


May the Blessings of the Triple Gem (Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha) be with you always!
Diane Van Deren goes the distance
“In 1997, at age 37, Van Deren underwent a six-hour surgery to remove a kiwi-sized portion of her hippocampus, the region of the brain responsible for short-term memory and the processing of emotional information — and the area where her epilepsy originated. After years of seizures, the affected tissue was a dull grey in contrast to the healthy pink of the rest of her brain. There were risks from having her skull sawed open: of anesthesia complications, of a stroke. But they were worth it for Van Deren. “I had a huge fear of dying from a seizure,” she explained.
Indeed, her type of seizures carry a 1 percent chance of death every year, said Van Deren’s neurosurgeon, Mark Spitz, professor in the department of neurology at the University of Colorado and director of its Comprehensive Epilepsy Center. “The brain is connected to the heart, so a seizure can trigger a fatal heart rhythm. That’s how runner Florence Griffith Joyner died — as the result of a seizure,” he said. Spitz said the risks of epilepsy outweighed the risks of surgery.
“Even though there was no guarantee the seizures wouldn’t return, I thought, ‘I’m gonna beat this,’ ” Van Deren said. “I’m trained as a pro athlete — that’s how we think.”
Two weeks post-op, Van Deren ran 10 miles. There was no pain, and there was no seizure that day”.
Very interesting story that was a mystery in that exactly point!