Reply To: Am I going to Hell? (very personal)

Sammasambodhi Gami

Dear Eric Sir,

May the blessings of the Triple Gem be with you always !

Don’t worry. You have come to the right place. You will get helpful advice from everyone here in this forum.

Don’t panic dear Sir. With strong effort and perseverance, you can change your “gati” for the better !
Yes it’s possible… :)

First of all you should minimize all types of communication with him as much as possible. If any thought about him arises in your mind, then immediately divert your mind to something you like or someone you love.

You should practice regular metta bhavana (unconditional loving kindness) in increasing order of difficulty :

(1) First you should radiate loving kindness to the people you really love and are close to your heart.

(2) Now after that (when your mind is in joyful state), then radiate loving kindness to the people you know but don’t care (neither like nor dislike).

(3) Now after this, radiate loving kindness to the people you hate/dislike.

(4) Then finally, radiate boundless loving kindness to all countless sentient beings !!!

For more details please see –

Remember, nothing happens without a reason. You had to suffer this abuse from your father because in some previous lives you must had done some horrible bad kamma.

So this is a way of paying back your debt. You have to bear this with patience.

I would suggest, you should go to a Buddhist monastery and spend some time there.

Offer “dana” to the Sangha (bhikkhus). Give your service there, take care of the monks. You will surely feel better !

For example please see –

Devote your time in charity work.

Go to an orphanage, help the needy children there.

Serve the poor homeless elderly people.

Offer your helping hand to the cyclone affected people, earthquake victims, physically disabled people, etc, etc…

I hope you got my point.

Try to avoid dasa akusala as much as possible.

Keep your mind busy in doing meritorious deeds ! It will surely help you.

Try to cultivate the four Brahma viharas – Metta, Karuna, Mudita, Upekkha.

One more advice which can help you to reduce the incessant stress (heat) in the mind is to develop devotion (and faith) towards the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha.

You can recollect the Supreme qualities of the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha. It makes the heart delighted !

You can also listen to the sutta chantings. That also makes the heart peaceful.

And gradually when your mind is in blissful state then you can focus towards the higher Dhamma (Tilakkhana).

Hope this helps.
Our best wishes are with you.