Reply To: Sabbe Sankhara


Can we say that due to sankhara we operate in a re-active way? In a certain sense we are at that time not really ourselves. Our behaviour is just habitual, conditioned, like an animal or machine.

In a re-active mode of behaviour, even when this can be called morally good, we still are alienated from ourselves. At least, this is how i can experience this.

This reactive mode, even when the result is morally good, such as the habit to take care of somebody, the habit to help somebody, it still is a kind of alienated or corrupt behaviour. It is not really truthfull or right. Maybe in an mundane sense it is right, but i think it can also be sensed as not really authentic behaviour. In a sense all habitual behaviour is a kind of imprisonment, fettered, not free.

Can we say that this conditioned behaviour, this reactive modus operandes is in the end due to avijja? So avijja is a kind of fuel for the habitual mind and our not really authentic habitual behaviour?

kind regards,