Reply To: Anicca, comprehension and it's effect on kamma vipaka

y not

Johnny said:

“…..the javana power emits energy from the mana indriya. That energy can transmit to “ten thousand world systems” like ours.”

“…..that according to Buddha Dhamma, we are all alone in this Universe. Is multiverse implied here?”

When I come across some inconsistency I go on to see whether the inconsistency is only an apparent one. Go Lal’s post above, 29 Apr 5:08:
“…One can only work to cleanse one’s own mind.” I had the idea in my own thought-words before reading this, thus: we are alone in the sense that each must do one’s own striving oneself, even though- IT MUST FOLLOW-that a lot of Metta and pattidana is constantly reaching us (if we make ourselves open to it) from the beings in millions of planetary systems in this galaxy alone, to say nothing of those beings in the billions of other galaxies, and that is taking only this universe into account. Various Buddhas, innumerable ones, have spread the Dhamma everywhere – this planet cannot be in any way special.

The ‘excess’ that we thus accumulate in us we then throw back out for the benefit of all without distinction. If (partly) with distinction, a way will have to be found to ‘concentrate’ it and direct it so that it reaches one or other specific being anywhere. Of course the other or others will have to be open to it, collectively or individually – but I know no way of ‘forcing’ the other/s to open up to it, or for it to force its way into the other/s.

y not