Reply To: Sīla, Samādhi, Pannā to Pannā, sīla, Samādhi

y not

Hello all:

Tobias’ question: ‘How can a being get a birth in a good realm when the “main gathi” includes aggression or anger or “creating conflicts” like the asura devas?’ can be gone into when one sees what is meant by
‘a good realm’. Lal’s: ‘Human realm is also a good realm. Think about that.’ is at once a hint and the clue. A ‘good realm’ is such only in comparison with worse and much worse ones (the apayas), not only in the number of those realms (4) but ‘worse’ also in the long duration and the intensity of the suffering there.

As such no realm is a good realm. In a deva and brahma realm the main gati will still be kama and patigha and in the arupa loka avijja. In the human realm one can work on the root aspects of all three: lobha, dosa and moha in order to be in time free of ALL realms.

‘Human realm is also a good realm. Think about that.’