Reply To: Thilakkhana I

y not


“…Expectation, craving and attachment, can but be a source insatisfaction / frustation (DUKKHA…
…sooner or later such image (sankata) of ourselves , mainly inspired on body/senses identification (another sankata) will be seriously shaken.”

And then?

And then you find that the world works against whoever tries to go into this. Friends and relatives at once give you the ‘snap out of it. Don’t worry, be happy ‘ advice (out of sincere compassion, no doubt) and urge you on with classic cliche’s like ‘ perhaps next time, as long as there is life there is hope, if you fail try and try again’ and similar distractions. You are hardly allowed to go into it.

Western psychology does not help either; in fact I see it as the greatest hurdle to surmount. Directing the attention inward as in retrospection and reflection is termed introversion, a ‘condition’ bordering on mental disorder. One must be outgoing, extrovert, positive.

It is not easy to see that ALL craving eventually leads to disappointment and delusion and for that one must go deep, and deeper still to see it even in future lives, especially in the so-termed ‘states of felicity’, and will be IMPOSSIBLE to see by seeking refuge in entertainment and partying. Once I overheard an English girl saying to a friend who had been moaning about her problems with her boyfriend: ‘Oh, get drunk’ !! I see no soultion, so drown the problem in alcohol. But the problem will be there next morning, and accompanied by a hangover as well.

But we know there there is a State Of Being where one is free of all this, which IS the solution. For that we have striven and strive on, helped on by those who have made it their DUTY, no less, to assist others upon the Path leading to it.

y not