Reply To: Support of monks / monasteries / centers


Hello Nibbid83, may you and all living beings be and stay well. 

If you’re interested in supporting some monasteries in Sri Lanka, I can and know someone that help you with that. I have a contact in Sri Lanka whom I sent my money to and she helps me to hold the money and send the money to the monasteries in Sri Lanka at my request. She’s very trustable, I have known her for years and have met her 2 times personally in Sri Lanka, as well she follows and practices the dhamma.

I live in Canada and the problem / issue I found when I send or donate money through the banks to monasteries in Sri Lanka is that the banks usually charge a hefty fee on the transfer. I believe one time at least the bank took like $30 -$40 USD just for a transfer. . . So I no longer use the bank instead I use Western Union. If you would like to know more or have any questions or concerns, you can e-mail me at [email protected] or you can inquire further here in this thread.  

A monastery in Sri Lanka I can recommend to support is:

Jethavanarama Buddhist Monastery

I have been to the monastery 2 times and can see they do their best to help all sentient beings. A few PD members are there right now or have visited there. DanielST a former member recently ordained at the monastery.

Starting at 3:20 of the video. My search for the truth

A monastery I’m looking into start possibility supporting is Parama Nibbana Dharmayathanaya    

Something for consideration, although it’s important to donate / offer to satta’s with higher merits / attainments. What’s also important is our intention and deeper understanding of the intentions we’re carrying out. 

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