Guide to the Study of Tharavāda Buddhism by YMBA

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    • #50492

      If you have interest to study in more detail on the Buddha Dhamma and Abhidhamma, the YMBA has a collection of “free” books in PDF format on their website: “Publication of Text Books and Other Study Materials on Buddha Dhamma.”

      Kindly note that those material has inconsistency with true meaning of some keywords found on Pure Dhamma.

      Below, I have included all the books from YMBA for you to easily download it.

      1. Guide To The Study Of Theravada Buddhism – Basic

      Basic Level Book (covers the Syllabus for the Basic level)
      This Text book provides a brief account of the Life of Buddha from Birth to Ordination of the Chief Disciples, Qualities of Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha meaning of the Five precepts, Wholesome acts and Unwholesome acts, Buddhist festivals, and ‘Blessings’ of the Maha Mangala sutra. Students have to answer one question paper on Buddha Dhamma.

      2. Guide To The Study Of Theravada Buddhism – BookN1

      Book One (covers the Junior Part I (Preliminary) Syllabus)
      Dhamma Section
      Covers the Life of the Buddha from Birth to Enlightenment, Qualities of the Triple Gem, an Introduction to Tripitaka, Theravada Buddhist Councils, Dana and Sila, Meritorious Deeds, Maha Mangala Suttas and explantations of the prescribed Dhammapada Stanzas.
      Abhidhamma Section
      Covers topics such as History of Abhidamma, Abhidamma Texts, the main subject – the Classification of Consciousness and the Concepts of Conventional and Absolute Truths.

      3. Guide To The Study Of Theravada Buddhism – BookN2

      Book Two (covers the Junior II (Junior) Syllabus)
      Dhamma Section
      Contains an account of the Life of the Buddha up to the end of twenty years after Enlightenment, Buddha’s visits to Sri Lanka, Chief Lay Patrons and Disciples of the Buddha, Vinaya Pitaka, Four Noble Truths, Fifth and Sixth Buddhist Councils and Explanations of the prescribed Dammapada Stanzas.
      Abhidhamma Section
      Abhidhamma Section covers in detail the main subject – 52 Mental Factors including the inter-relations between Mind and Mental Factors – Sangha naya Sampayoga naya and a brief introduction to the Absolute Truth of Nibbana.

      4. Guide To The Study Of Theravada Buddhism – BookN3

      Book Three (covers the Senior Part I (Senior) Syllabus)
      Dhamma Section
      Book Three narrates selected ‘Important Events’ in the life of the Buddha from Birth to Parinibbana such as daily Routines of the Buddha, Antagonism and rivalry from heretical Teachers, Promulgation of the Vinaya and Last days. Other topics covered are Social Ethics based on the Suttas Hindrances, Fetters, Objects of Meditation, Proof of Rebirth.
      Abhidhamma Section
      Abhidhamma Section gives a full Analysis of the main subject prescribed for this Level namely ‘Matter’(rupa) and Classification of the Consciousness according to feelings, Roots and Functions.

      5. Guide To The Study Of Theravada Buddhism – BookN4

      Book Four (covers the Senior Part II (Higher) Syllabus)
      Dhamma Section
      Provides detailed explanation of the prescribed subjects, namely Requisites of Enlightenment, Way to Nibbana, Dependent Origination, Three Signata, Ratana Sutta, Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta, Contribution of Col.Olcott, Buddhist Approach to discerning Truth and Explanations of and Comments on the prescribed Dhammapada Stanzas.
      Abhidhamma Section
      Abhidhamma Section provides explanations of the prescribed subjects, namely Doors (dvara), Objects (arammana), Bases (vatthu), Thought Process (citta viti) and Process Freed (vithi mutta)

      6. Guide To The Study Of Theravada Buddhism – BookN5

      Book Five ( covers the Diploma Syllabus)
      Dhamma Section
      Dhamma Section includes summaries of Maha Satipatthana Sutra, Culla Kamma Vibhanga Sutta and explanations of Insight Meditation (Vipassana), Seven stages of Purity (Visuddhi) and short treatises on the uniqueness of the Buddha and Mahayana Buddhism with a comparison followed by explanations of the Dhammapada verses together with expositions of the morals embodied in each stanza.
      Abhidhamma Section
      Abhidhamma Section includes explanation of Abhidhamma categories, Dependent Arising (Paticcasamuppada), Law of Causal Relations (Patthana) being the substance of Chapters VII and VIII of Abhidhamattha Sangha.

      7. Guide To The Study Of Theravada Buddhism – Book6

      Guide to the study of the Theravada Buddhism for Advance Diploma Level
      This book consists two parts namely Dhamma section and abhidhamma section.

      Part I Dhamma Section commences with the introduction of the Social, Religious and Political back ground of India during the sixth centaury B. C. Then the author explains vividly on important sections of the teaching of Buddha such as Four Noble Truths, Law of Dependent Origination, Thilakkana and Buddhist Vinaya.

      Then it describes the ritual performances in Buddhism and Buddhist Social Economics and Social Philosophy . Last chapters of this section have some important Suttas like Ariya pariyesana Sutta.

      Part II of the book is based on Abhidhamma. After the introduction it gives contents of the seven books on Abhidhamma.

      Chapter three describes Matika in Dhamma Sangani very clearly in simple style. It follows the description of other books in Abhidhamma Pitaka. The last lesson explains the Paticca Samuppada and Patthana.

      At the end of each lessons there is a list of questions for the students to answer and discuss.

      The book is composed by two eminent scholars namely Ven. Professor Miriswatte Wimalagnana Thero and Mr. P. Wattegama.

      2 users thanked author for this post.
    • #50494

      Thank you, Seng Kiat!

    • #50497

      Oh, this will make great reading material. Thank you very much, Sir Sengkiat!!

    • #50500

      Thank you!!!!

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