Reply To: Useful Essays from DRARISWORLD and Other Websites

  •  What I mean, sir is that some arahants brutally entered parinibbāna. A prime example is Venerable Arahant Bahiya. He was looking for robes for his ordination and did not intend to reach parinibbāna right away. He died after being gored by a Yakkini who possessed a cow. He had just reached the arahant stage before he died! This is why I say some died brutally. Others reach parinibbāna after a very long life, like Venerable Bakula (at 160 years) and Ananda (at 120 years). However, yes, nibbāna is complete from the moment they become arahants.


Arahant Bahiya

Even as he listened, Bāhiya became an arahant and the Buddha left him. Shortly after, Bāhiya was gored to death by a cow with a calf (cp. the story of Pukkusāti). The Buddha, seeing his body lying on the dung heap, asked the monks to remove it and to have it burnt, erecting a thūpa over the remains.

Although Bāhiya had kept the precepts in previous births, he had never given a bowl or a robe to a monk. For this reason, the Buddha did not, at the end of his sermon, ordain him by the “ehi bhikkhu pabbajā.” The Buddha knew that Bāhiya did not have sufficient merit to obtain divine robes. Some say that he was once a brigand and had shot a Pacceka Buddha with an arrow and had taken possession of the Pacceka Buddha’s begging bowl and robe.

  • Bāhiya met his death while searching for a robe in which to be ordained (UdA.77ff.; AA.i.156ff.; DhA.ii.209ff.; Ap.ii.475ff)
  • For those who don’t know.  A Lord Buddha only ordains those who have offered robes and necessities to bhikkhus in their past lives. Those who receive ordination from Lord Buddha are those who have supported the Sangha in previous lives or have taken care of a Paccekabuddha. This is one of the reasons for offering robes and necessities to bhikkhus.
  • The more virtuous the Bhikkhus is, the more powerful the Kusulas will be. This is why those who offer robes to Lord Buddha or Paccekabuddha accumulate immeasurable Kusulas. Offering robes to a Bhikkhu who has reached any stage of magga phala gives a lot of Kusulas. Nowadays there is no Lord Buddha or Paccekabuddha in the world. However, there is the Kathina ceremony which takes place at the end of Vassa (rainy season). The lay people offer a robe to the Sangha. The sangha will offer it to the Bhikkhu who made the most effort during the retreat to reach a stage of magga phala. The Bhikkhus are not allowed to travel during this period. They must stay in the same monastery and make the effort to get closer to the arahant stage if this has not already been done. This monk could have reached a stage of magga phala. I highly recommend participating in this ceremony in some way. It often happens around October-November. You will accumulate an incredible amount of Kusalas as it preserves the Sasana and pays homage to the Ariyas. The path to Nibbāna will be made easier if you also have a good understanding of Tilakkhana.