March 5, 2024 at 3:50 pm
Yes. The trnslation of the verse:
“Muñca pure muñca pacchato,
Majjhe muñca bhavassa pāragū;
Sabbattha vimuttamānaso,
Na punaṁ jātijaraṁ upehisi.”
could be better as follows:
“Let go of the past, future, and present and transcend this existence and “be free of all suffering” (Sabbattha vimuttamānaso). With your mind wholly liberated (from the pancupadanakkhandha), you will be released from repeated (punaṁ) birth and death.”
- The point is that pancupadanakkhandha includes attachment to past and present experiences and any attachments arising at present. Once one has seen the unfruitfulness of craving anything in this world anywhere, why make more abhisankhara (“avijja paccaya sankhara“) and move away from Nibbana?
- We have been discussing this in recent posts, including today’s post. We need to move to the left on the chart in today’s post: “Vipariṇāma – Two Meanings.” Any abhisankhara generation in the purana or nava kamma stages moves a mind away from Nibbana.