Cetasika (Mental Factors)
Saññā and vēdanā appear as two of the khandhas in pañcakkhandha.
Cētanā determines kamma by incorporating relevant cetasika according to the mindset. Cētanā is the cetasika that “puts together a citta” by automatically incorporating other relevant cetasika according to one’s “gati.”
Ekaggata is the salient factor in Samādhi.
Consciousness cannot arise without phassa. Note that samphassa differs from phassa; see “Difference between Phassa and Samphassa.”
Jivitindriya maintains life.
Manasikāra can be either yoniso manasikāra (important in attaining the Sōtapanna stage), and ayoniso manasikāra can lead to the accumulation of akusala kamma.
A sentient being in asanna realm has hadaya vatthu, but no citta arises.
But what maintains life is jivitindriya cetasika.
How a sentient being in asanna realm can maintain life?