Two types of sīlabbataparāmāsa

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    • #43746

      Peṭakopadesa 6. Suttatthasamuccayabhūmi 52.1

      Tattha sīlabbataparāmāso dvidhā—sīlassa vā suddhassa vā.

      Tattha sīlassa sīlabbataparāmāso imināhaṁ sīlena vā vatena vā tapena vā brahmacariyena vā devo vā bhavissāmi devaññataro vā tattha kapotapādāhi accharāhi saddhiṁ kīḷissāmi ramissāmi paricarissāmīti.

      Yathābhūtadassananti rucivimutti rāgo rāgaparivattakā diṭṭhirūpanā passanā asantussitassa sīlabbataparāmāso.

      Tattha katamo suddhassa sīlabbataparāmāso?

      Idhekacco sīlaṁ parāmasati, sīlena sujjhati, sīlena nīyati, sīlena muccati, sukhaṁ vītikkamati, dukkhaṁ vītikkamati, sukhadukkhaṁ vītikkamati anupāpuṇāti uparimena.

      Tadubhayaṁ sīlavataṁ parāmasati tadubhayena sīlavatena sujjhanti muccanti nīyanti, sukhaṁ vītikkamanti, dukkhaṁ vītikkamanti, sukhadukkhaṁ vītikkamanti, anupāpuṇantīti avisucikaraṁ dhammaṁ avimuttikaraṁ dhammaṁ visucito vimuttito paccāgacchantassa yā tathābhūtassa khanti ruci mutti pekkhanā ākāraparivitakko diṭṭhinijjhāyanā passanā, ayaṁ suddhassa sīlabbataparāmāso.

      I’d like to hear a detailed explanation of this part.

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    • #43747

      The basic explanation is as follows.

      The samyojana of “Silabbata Paramasa” is of two types.

      1. “sīlassa sīlabbataparāmāsa” is the lower type. Someone with this type seeks rebirth in Deva or Brahma realms by following mundane moral guidance (five or higher precepts) or cultivating anariya jhanas. For example, they may even abstain from sensual pleasures to cultivate jhana.
      2. suddhassa sīlabbataparāmāsa” is the higher type (less bondage to the rebirth process). Here, one is abstaining from immoral conduct because they realize those can only result in bad outcomes; they may abstain from enjoying sensual pleasures because they can see that those can lead to immoral conduct. Thus they avoid immoral deeds or abstain from sensual pleasures, not for the sake of seeking rebirths in Deva/Brahma realms. They are purified (suddha) to a greater extent. However, (probably since they may not have heard the correct version of Buddha Dhamma), they do not comprehend the 4NT/Paticca Samuppada/Tilakkhana and thus cannot proceed to Nibbana.
      2 users thanked author for this post.
    • #43748

      Wow. It gives me a lot of insight into Buddha Dhamma. Thank you.

    • #44333

      The basic explanation is as follows.

      The samyojana of “Silabbata Paramasa” is of two types.

      1. “sīlassa sīlabbataparāmāsa” is the lower type. Someone with this type seeks rebirth in Deva or Brahma realms by following mundane moral guidance (five or higher precepts) or cultivating anariya jhanas. For example, they may even abstain from sensual pleasures to cultivate jhana.
      2. suddhassa sīlabbataparāmāsa” is the higher type (less bondage to the rebirth process). Here, one is abstaining from immoral conduct because they realize those can only result in bad outcomes; they may abstain from enjoying sensual pleasures because they can see that those can lead to immoral conduct. Thus they avoid immoral deeds or abstain from sensual pleasures, not for the sake of seeking rebirths in Deva/Brahma realms. They are purified (suddha) to a greater extent. However, (probably since they may not have heard the correct version of Buddha Dhamma), they do not comprehend the 4NT/Paticca Samuppada/Tilakkhana and thus cannot proceed to Nibbana.


      The Maha Govinda Sutta, Dn 19, might be a pleasing illustration to it, like many other occasion where the Sublime Buddha taught Devas and Brahmas. (the is ‘sadly’ no real given translation into english toward the Buddhaparisa headed by the Sangha, as far as aware.)

      (Samana Johann)

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